Renewing Your Credential » Renewing Your Credential

Renewing Your Credential

You can renew your credentials on-line at: California Commission on Teacher Credentialing . You may renew your credential any time within the year of expiration, but please be sure to renew before the expiration date to avoid a pay holds. General requirements for each of the major document types are described below and in the renewal chart following.

Life Credentials

Life credentials were issued until September 1, 1985.  Holders of General, Standard and Ray clear credentials were eligible for life documents until that date.  Life documents are not available upon initial application, but previously issued life documents continue to be valid.  These documents are called “life” credentials because they are valid for the lifetime of the lifetime of the individuals who hold them, unless the document is revoked for cause.  Therefore, there is no need to renew life credentials.  If necessary, individuals who hold life documents may apply for a duplicate or change of name on the document. 

Clear Credentials

Clear teaching credentials were issued until August 30, 1985.  Clear service credentials (also referred to as professional service credentials) were issued until June 30, 1994.  Clear designated subject teaching credentials were issued until May 9, 1995.  The term “clear” credential signifies that all education and program requirements for the credential have been met.  While no course work or professional growth is required for renewal of these credentials, they must be renewed at

Professional Clear Credentials

Pressional clear credentials are the documents currently issued to individuals who have met all education and program requirements for the credential being issued.  Professional clear credentials replaced “clear” credentials when regulations regarding these documents were changed.  Professional clear teaching credentials (multiple and single subject) were issued beginning September 1, 1985.  Professional clear service credentials were issued beginning July 1, 1994.  Professional clear designated subjects credentials were issued beginning May 10, 1995.  While no course work or professional growth is required for renewal of these credentials, they must be renewed at

Preliminary Credentials

Preliminary Credentials must be cleared through a college, BTSA/Induction Program, or District (for Preliminary credentials based on Out-of-State programs).  If you are not sure how to clear your Preliminary Credential please contact the Human Resources department at (559) 834-6083.

Document Type
Renewal Requirements
Life Credential
Clear Credential
1. Completed Application online at Application Fee*
Professional Clear Credential
1. Completed Application online at 2. Application Fee*
Preliminary Credentials
Must be cleared through College, BTSA/IC, or District E-mail [email protected] if you have questions